Common Visitation Issues in North Carolina

The battle for custody of a child can be stressful for both the parents and the child. So that the child can spend time with both parents, whether it is equal time or a percentage, creating a visitation plan is one option. While this sounds easy in theory, this type of plan can still cause issues between the parents as they decide how much time they each get to spend with their child.

When parents do not divorce on good terms, this increases the likelihood of problems. One parent may hold a grudge against the other, and this could be a big issue if the grudging parent is the custodial parent because it may affect the parent’s willingness to share time with their child through a visitation schedule. This behavior may eventually lead to child custody and support violations, which could be followed with lawsuits.

Another problem that is common is alienation of the child. This involves one parent intentionally dishonoring or sabotaging the other parent’s visitation privileges. The other parent may keep a diary of these incidents to use as evidence and then go to the authorities alone or get support from a family lawyer first.

Interruptions to the visitation schedule is another problem that can arise and involves one parent not showing up for designated time with the child. It is essential for the child to have a consistent schedule, and not showing up can cause confusion. A family court may permit make-up time for the missed visitation date, but it might also impose community service or a fine.

Nothing is more important to most parents than their children. Possibly the best way for them to avoid these issues if they do not get along is to make a visitation schedule with the assistance of their respective family law attorneys.

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